News: George A. Romero Stars In… Zombie Squash?!

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Zombie Squash is now available for free on GooglePlay, Amazon & iTunes. The game stars the evil Dr. B.E. Vil (voiced by George A. Romero) who plans to take over the world with undead, rotting veggies! Muhahaha. Now that is one horror story to tell the kiddies to get them to eat their greens.

From the Press Release

Acw Games’ Zombie Squash HD Free is the first official release of Zombie Squash at iTunes.

George A. Romero, the Godfather of All Zombies, provides the voice of the games’ lead villain, Dr. B. E. Vil. Since his ground-breaking, trendsetting masterpiece, ‘Night of the Living Dead’ George Romero’s name has become synonymous with zombies. This time around, Romero creates a new cartoon-style voice in Zombie Squash as an evil scientist.

Acw Owner Attila Juhasz created Zombie Squash, a world where vegetation has gone wild from evil experiments gone wrong. Zombie Squash »

– Amanda Dyar

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